Improve Police Image collapse

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009 ·
As citizens we certainly hope that organizers of State and State officials are the people who have integrity and have a loyalty to the nation and the State of Indonesia. With the people who fought selflessly and to be rewarded in accordance with the service and the sweat just makes a country strong, not least in Indonesia.
Weak law enforcement, law is only about people who eat tempeh, while the people who used to eat can be hard to touch the law. This year is the nadir of the drop in the Indonesian legal authorities. Police are no longer trusted because they are as synonymous with corruption and engineering cases. Chicken thieves from case to case ngemplang billions of hard money if it is dealing with the police. I was so annoyed some people say if we lose a chicken, so if the police would deal with losing a goat.
This is, based on several factors, where it is common knowledge so hard to find honest police, because the recruitment, education, and promoted to any position and there is always a good game "lubricant service" or "associates the great". The collapse of the police image in the community must be in the lift when the dignity of the nation and the State want the stands both inside and outside the country.
The police must be able to reposition himself so bad that the police image in the minds of the people, where to start?, A question that easy to say but very difficult to be implemented. Various elements already infected, the best way is together and starting from the top line "Police", we need a Chief who can control his men.
Kapalri must be able to take stern action against all of his men were not working not in accordance with the laws and morals, and ethics. I really was surprised a former cotton harvest takes to undergo the punishment and the resistance, whether the police chief does not control his men if the case was proper or not, though there is evidence, but if it sought a peaceful way, there is no need highlighted by the media and getting dropped fulgar the dignity of a cop who has no conscience.
It is time the police also worked with the liver, which usually do evil, who is evil forced. Who can benefit if under the green table and which are not mengungkan, of the event raised the image of police in the eyes of society.
Penggembosan image of the police in such a way, it must be repaired from within, no other words, except for my love for an institution that is very very proud. I really expected a friendly police, police authority and police who have a good image in the eyes of the people of Indonesia and the International Community.
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